
Concessions Age Requirements

  • You must be 16 years of age to work in the concession stand.
  • Children 14 – 15 years of age may work with a parent.
  • Children under the age of 14 are NOT allowed in the concession stand for any reason.

Concessions Shifts

  • Shift A - Preferably returning/experienced volunteer, this person will take the lead, help the new volunteer to get familiar with procedures
  • Shift B - New or returning volunteer
  • Shift C - New or returning volunteer, help with lunch or dinner rush

Concessions Job Descriptions


Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator

Lea Merkel

Volunteer Coordinator


Concessions Sales

General Duties

  1. Serve food, beverages, or candy to customers.
  2. Prepare food (such as popcorn, mac and cheese, or soup) and coffee using standard formulas or following directions.
  3. Stock and restock items as necessary; leave a note if we’re running low on any items.
  4. Use the cash register, accept cash payment, and make change.
  5. Wash hands frequently.
  6. Clean and sanitize counters, warming tables and other equipment, and wash dishes.
  7. Clean tables and chairs in the lobby/dining area. Pick up trash and sweep the floor in the lobby as needed, and at the end of the day.

Games and Tournaments

  1. Prepare hot food (such as hot dogs, walking tacos, soup – in slow cookers).
  2. Order Scotty’s pizza for lunch (around 10 am, so it’s delivered by 11 am).
  3. Re-order Scotty’s pizza if running low (no later than 1:00 pm)– during all day events only.
  4. Pay the referee:  Referees will bring their pay sheet to concessions, pay the referee out of the cash register, and place the pay sheet under the coin trays.

High School Games

High School Ticket Sales & Ticket Check

  1. Tickets for HS games are sold online via the High School Athletics page
  2. Sell electronic tickets using the provided iPad, MHS only accepts credit/debit card payments
  3. Person(s) will check/scan electronic tickets

Open Skate Concessions

  1. Serve food, beverages, or candy to customers.
  2. Prepare food (such as popcorn, mac and cheese, or soup) and coffee using standard formulas or following directions.
  3. Stock and restock items as necessary; leave a note if we’re running low on any items.
  4. Use the cash register, accept cash payment, and make change.
  5. Wash hands frequently.
  6. Clean and sanitize counters, warming tables and other equipment, and wash dishes.
  7. Clean tables and chairs in the lobby/dining area. Pick up trash and sweep the floor in the lobby as needed and at the end of the day.

Open Skate Concessions and Ticket Sales

  1. Open Skate Ticket Sales: located in the Ticket Booth.
  2. Retrieve the cash box from the concessions and key for the Ticket Booth.
  3. Collect admissions fee for all skaters and stamp one of their hands (we do not give out a ticket).
  4. After the initial rush, (after about 7:30 pm), move to the Concession stand to assist with concession duties.
  5. You will work between the Ticket Booth and Concessions as needed.
  6. *see Open Skate Concessions above

Open Skate Ticket Sales and Skate Rental

  1. Open Skate Ticket Sales and Skate Rental: located in the Ticket Booth.
  2. Retrieve the cash box from the concessions and key for the Ticket Booth.
  3. Collect admissions fee for all skaters and stamp one of their hands (we do not give out a ticket).
  4. Rental skates are also kept in the Ticket Booth.
  5. Verify that we have the requested size skates, collect the rental fee (Skate sizes are different from shoe sizes, so you may have to exchange skates for a different size, if requested).
  6. When skates are returned, check that the skates match, wipe the skate blades clean with a towel, tuck the laces inside the skates.
  7. Replace the skates on the shelf, in the appropriate slot.
  8. At the end of the night, please lock the cash box and return it to concessions, lock the Ticket Booth and return the key to concessions.

Open Skate Ice Monitor

  1. You must be at least 14 years old.
  2. Ice monitor will set up and take down cones.
  3. Turn music on and off.
  4. Monitor skater behavior and stop reckless and dangerous behavior.
  5. Be available in case of a medical emergency.

Open Skate Zamboni

  1. You must be at least 18 years old and Zamboni trained.
  2. Zam the ice once ALL skaters have left the ice.

** If you're interested in getting Zamboni trained, please contact Lance Bauer at or 608-344-0550 **

Skate Sharpening

  1. You must be at least 18 and trained to run the Skate Sharpener.
  2. Retrieve the cash box from the concessions and key for the Ticket Booth.
  3. Open the ticket booth and ticket window.
  4. Accept $8 for each skate sharpening.
  5. At the end of the shift, please lock the cash box and return it to concessions, lock the Ticket Booth and return the key to concessions.

** If you're interested in getting trained to run the Skate Sharpener, please contact Brian Verwoerd at **

Weekend On-Call

The weekend on-call position will be assigned to a team and the Team Manager will take care of the sign up.  This position can be held by one or more persons.  It will not be posted in DIBS, as it does not count toward concessions requirements.  You will receive credit ONLY for the hours you work in concessions (help out  because it’s busy, or fill in for a no-show or tardy).

During the week, prior to being on-call shift

  1. Pick up the keys to the rink and concession stand the day before your on-call shift. The keys will be located upstairs in one of the mail slots near the equipment room within an envelope labeled On-Call keys.
  2. Review the weekend game/ tournament schedule on the MYHA website. Please be aware that most games are scheduled on Saturday and Sunday, but on a rare occasion there are youth games scheduled for Friday night.
  3. Confirm all Dibs for the weekend have been claimed (Concession Sales, Open Skate – concessions and ice monitor, etc.).

Friday evening

  1. If the game is scheduled, report to the Ice Arena 1 hour prior to the start of the first game, write your contact info on the white board including your phone number (please keep your phone fully charged and on you all weekend).
  2. Confirm that the concession workers know how to close the concession stand at the end of the evening.

Saturday/Sunday morning

  1. Purchase donuts for an early AM game (2 dozen if 1st game starts 8am or 8:30am; 1 dozen if 1st game starts 9 am or after), and deliver them to the Concession stand 1 hour prior to the start of the game. Hand receipt to another concession worker, they will pay you from the till and place the receipt in the till. Help set up for the day.  On most Saturday mornings, the Ice Rink should be open, in the rare instance the building is locked, open the rink, and turn on the lights.
  2. Write your name and phone number on the white board if you didn’t do so already.
  3. If locker room assignments are not posted, please use the website calendar to assign locker rooms and post it on the white board (just outside the lobby). Give MYHA teams locker rooms C & D.
  4. WVU Coop (high school team) always gets locker room A.
  5. Get change as needed for the cash register, you will receive a phone call with the request.
  6. Be ready to report to the rink if the person signed up for a shift does not show up.
  7. During busy times you may also need to work in the concessions stand, or fill in for a no-show or tardy.  You can also find another parent,(one already at the rink) to work the no-show shift.

Monday/Tuesday after your On-call shift

  1. Please return the on-call keys to the envelope no later than Tuesday.
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